Rob bought me a car stereo for my birthday and finally I can listen to music in my car again. When I got the car at Christmas it had a Ford Standard cassette deck in there which was fine enough, but the speakers were shite and I could hardly bear to listen to it at the best of times. So I managed to fit some 6 x 9's in that my brother had bought for my birthday present a few years back and I don't know what the problem was but the sound was horrendous - SO much worse than before. I gave up listening to anything in the car for a few months and so to get this CD player in was like a dream come true! I love my music, and as much as Rob and I have in common, he just can't stand to listen to my old heavy metal music (i like my old Megadeth CD's!) and my cheesy 80's stuff. Anyhoo, mostly this week I have been churning it all out, much to Jake's delight - he's a proper little rocker in the making and I even have my old 1st leather jacket in the airing cupboard waiting for him; and I'm absolutely dying to buy him some DM's... I live for the day (Rob's juat had to have some for work and shock horror! Even he thinks they're comfy as fcuk!).
Tuesday, well you can see from my last post that it was possibly the shittiest day for a long, long time. Wednesday I spent in a haze of tiredness and suicidal depression with my neighbour (feeling near enough the same), counting the hours till our respective husbands finally came home from work and by Thursday I was so glad to be nearing the end of the week it wasn't funny. Friday we (Rob, Jake and I) went out with Rob's parents to Waterfront Place in Chelmsford for my long-awaited birthday meal (it somehow fell by the wayside last year and I was dying to go back to this place) and we had a lovely time, with the single most divine pudding I have ever tasted in my life (have a look on the menu at the peanut butter thingy *Yum yum*), eating that made all my troubles disappear - just for a short time!
Saturday was a lazy day at Rob's Mum and Dad's, and Jakey had a lovely time helping Nanny and Grandad with the gardening: -

This morning was interesting. Got up, came downstairs in my usual half-blind state, and when I went outside for my usual morning cigarette I could see one of our cats (Leia) acting very strangely by the back wall of the house. Upon closer inspection it transpired she'd captured a frog and I could see it was injured. I didn't want to just let it go as it had a nasty gash down it's side and also Leia had punctured the skin on it's head too. After gloving up and putting it into a lidded propagator for safety I called Claire to see what she thought. Her initial reaction was to bathe it in some very diluted antiseptic but I could see it was too serious to leave it at that so I set about calling the RSPCA, who said they'd get someone to come out and collect Hoppy at some point today.
So the rest of the day has mostly involved being knackered and lazing around trying not to do too much, but still getting knackered out in the process (WTF?? How does that work?). Made a really different lunch today, inspired by a trip to Ikea on Friday for some knobs for a friend where I bought some of their Swedish meatballs and sauce (food at Ikea? Whatever next). Just as I put the homemade potato cakes in the oven the lady from the RSPCA came to collect Hoppy and much to my horror it looked like the cut on his side had got worse from him trying to leap out of the propagator. Unless I just hadn't seen it fully when I picked him up the cut now stretched right the way across his stomach, the poor little thing. The cut wasn't so deep that his blood and guts were coming out so I really hope that he was saveable. It's really been on my mind today as I hate to see injured animals. I know that I did the best I could for him - I just hope that he'll live to appreciate it and go on to have lots more little frogspawn and tadpoles and name them after me or something.
When the lady left we got Jake up from his nap we all sat down to sunday lunch together. Nothing out of the ordinary for most people but we usually eat in the evening and have a light lunch in the day so all sat round the coffee table in the lounge together with Jake in his little "big boys" chair (as opposed to his high chair) and us flanking him he was chatting away with us, babbling Dog knows what. It was a lovely experience and one I hope to repeat on a more regular basis, especially now he's development is coming on in leaps and bounds.
He's stringing words together now too, "knock knock" for Nanny and Grandad's front door with the loud knocker, and I could've sworn he said "oh shit" on saturday (time to watch our language methinks). "More" and "Ta" go hand in hand as he's learning cause and effect. I just can't believe my son's no longer my baby anymore and is growing into a lovely charming young boy.
I'm so proud.
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