So I'm sat in the lounge freaking out, thinking I have had zero time to prepare (the upside being that Jake's asleep so best to strike while the iron's hot). Loads of facts and figures were thrown at me, and it appears that the company are a lot smaller than I initially thought (presently 22 people), but after being in business 4 years they have absolutely no debt. (is this normal??).
Chatted to him for about 20 minutes and he appears to be totally happy for me to go to interview without him present, although it seems to me that this interview appears to be somewhat of a formality and they've pretty much already made their mind up. I think if I do okay on Tuesday I will get offered the job there and then. In all honesty I'm not sure what to say if they offer it to me on the spot as I'm not particularly au fait with current interview etiquette. I'd rather feel like I can go home, discuss the offer package with Rob and take it from there.
I went to see another recruitment agent yesterday with regard to some other jobs that she's put me forward for and she was very enthusiastic about the work I'd done with T4J and thought I'd be very well suited to a marketing/PR role where I can extend my creative wings and to be honest I was rather attracted by the thought. Herein lies the problem...